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We work to meet or exceed expectations to minimize our environmental impacts on our sites and to manage our activities in a way which prevents any risks or impacts off site. When operations cease, it is our goal to ensure that there are no long-term environmental impacts or risks while helping to secure a sustainable future for our host communities.

All of our operating sites are subject to local and national environmental laws and regulations. We are committed to meet, and where possible, exceed these regulatory requirements. Once mining has ceased, we apply recognized standards and best practices in reclamation and closure to rehabilitate disturbed land and restore natural habitats.

Read more about our how we manage our environmental responsibilities.

Learn about our Alaska Abandoned Mine Restoration Initiative with Trout Unlimited

View our Kinross Tailings Disclosure Table

Watch this video on Kinross’ responsible and safe tailings management


Water is vital for life and for every aspect of our mining operations. Whether we’re operating in an area where water is abundant or relatively scarce, Kinross’ commitment to optimizing water use and protecting water quality is fundamental to the way we conduct our business. At all of our sites we develop site-specific water management strategies that go beyond regulatory requirements. Our water strategy includes engagement with local stakeholders, assessment of ecosystem services, continuous improvement of operational systems to increase efficient use of water resources, and assessment of potential risks related to drought, extreme rainfall events, climate change, and operational issues.

Read more about how we manage our water use across our operations.

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Understanding the Value of Water at each operation helps focus our management controls and strategies.

Tailings Management

Kinross’ tailings management system is based on our overriding commitment to safety and environmental stewardship. All of our tailings facilities are designed and constructed to the highest engineering and best practice standards and meet or exceed regulatory and international requirements. Our program exemplifies Kinross’ commitment to operational excellence and includes robust and independent technical oversight of our facilities' design and operation, and a regular reporting and strict governance framework.

During our 31-year history, there has never been a tailings breach at a Company-owned facility and we continue to be vigilant, comprehensive and responsible in how tailings are managed at our facilities to maintain this record.

Technical excellence is ingrained into our culture, not only in how Company mines are built and operated but also how Company tailings facilities are constructed and operated.

Read more about how we safely manage tailings across our operations.

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We go beyond industry standards to ensure tailings are handled in an environmentally safe manner.

Climate Change and Energy

Climate change is a key societal concern and we recognize its importance to our business, our communities and to sustainability. We work continuously to improve our energy efficiency and diversify our energy sources. We incorporate energy efficiency into the design of new projects and consider opportunities for renewable energy where feasible. Decision-making incorporates life-cycle assessment, not just initial costs, thereby placing an emphasis on efficiency over the life of the project. Climate change risks and impacts and strategies to address them are a key component of the environmental review process for permitting new mine projects.

Read more about our approach to managing our energy use and carbon footprint.

For additional information, see a summary of Kinross’ alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, reports to the CDP, our most recent Sustainability Report, and our most recent Climate Report.

Climate Change and Energy Kinross is committed to reducing intensity of Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 and achieving net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.

Air Quality

Mining activities produce air emissions which, left unchecked, could have potential impacts on people and the environment. Protecting air quality in the workplace, in our host communities and in the environments where we operate is a priority. Across our operations, our corporate-wide standards for controlling air emissions prevent negative impacts to human health, the environment, visual quality, and safety of operations, while also meeting or exceeding the specific regulatory requirements specific to each operation.

Read more about how we manage air quality across Kinross.

air quality


Protection of the biological resources near our activities is a key element in Kinross' environmental strategy. We work with local stakeholders – governments, NGOs, indigenous peoples and other community members – who can best help us understand and protect local ecosystems. At each operation, we develop Biological Resources Management Plans to avoid or mitigate any impact to sensitive species, habitat, or ecosystem services.

Read more about our approach to protect and enhance biodiversity at our sites.

biodiversity Kinross does not operate in International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Category I-IV protected areas.

Waste Management

Our operations produce mineral and non-mineral wastes, such as waste rock and tailings, and a comparatively small amount of non-mineral wastes. The amount of mineral waste, tailings and waste rock is directly related to the amount of ore processed. For non-mineral wastes, all of our operations seek to reduce the generation of wastes through the Four Rs principle: reduce, reuse, recycle and reclaim.

Read more about our management of non-mineral waste.

Read more about our tailings and waste rock management.

waste management

Cyanide Management

Kinross was one of 14 initial signatory companies to the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) in 2005. We integrate the Code's requirements into the design of all new or expanded facilities, and regularly engage with stakeholders regarding our cyanide management practices at all of our sites.

All of Kinross' operations have been certified under the ICMI.

Read more about how we manage cyanide use.

The Cyanide Code Principles

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All of Kinross’ operations are certified under the ICMI.

Reclamation and Closure

Kinross recognizes its responsibility to return land disturbed by mining to stable and productive post-mining land uses. Our reclamation planning begins before construction and is regularly updated throughout the life of each mining operation. Working with our stakeholders, reclamation planning entails an extensive analysis of land use options, environmental factors, and community development concerns and objectives.

Read more about our best practice closure and reclamation program.

Reclamation and Closure imagePlay See how Kinross Gold partnered with Trout Unlimited and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to preserve wildlife habitat near Yellowstone National Park by donating water rights representing 3 billion gallons of water and protecting a vital elk migration route.